Caring for Your Glow:

Pre & Post-Care

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Avoid strenuous workouts the day of the treatment and arrive well hydrated. Wear comfortable clothing. Make sure to have a light meal to avoid light headedness. Avoid this treatment if you have a hernia or have had hernia repair. If you have had surgery within the last year in the treatment area. Please remove metallic jewelry and clothing prior to treatment

Post Treatment Instructions:

Emsculpt is considered a non-invasive procedure with minimal downtime. 

Expect some mild soreness in the target area similar to post workout soreness for a few days. You should engage in light activities such as walking but avoid intense workouts for 1-2 days for muscle recovery. Continue to hydrate well. 

Occasionally patients can experience redness, bruising and swelling at the treatment site which will resolve in a few days. You can apply cold compresses to the area 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days should this occur. 

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Treatment areas should not be exposed to the sun. Make sure to apply a broad spectrum uva/uvb on a regular basis and refrain from getting a tan for 1 week. Avoid self tanner and tanning beds for 1 week.

Use of skin irritants such as retinol, retinoic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid should be avoided for 1 week prior to your treatment.

You should avoid medications and supplements that increase your risk of bleeding/bruising such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Fish oil, Flaxseed oil, turmeric, glucosamine, melatonin for 7 days.

You should reschedule your treatment if you have a cold sore outbreak.

You should not have this treatment if you are pregnant.
You should not have this treatment if you have used oral retinoids- Accutane within the last 6 months

Please notify us if you have a history of cold sores so that we may pretreat you with anti-viral medication.

Post Treatment Instructions:

Your skin will be red for 1-3 days after the treatment. Some swelling is expected
Do not touch or rub your face. Your skin is sensitive.You may have some pinpoint bleeding. Gently cleanse your skin with lukewarm water after 24 hours. Cleanse your skin twice a day with gentle cleanser and lukewarm water and consider using Alastin skin nectar for recovery. Use a gentle moisturizer and an spf sunblock of 30 or higher. Alastin has a post treatment kit that is designed for this.
Avoid alcohol the night of the procedure to reduce bruising.
Avoid strenuous exercise, hot tubs, and saunas for 3-4 days after treatment
Avoid sun exposure for 1 week while your skin is healing.

You may resume your usual skincare routine after 5-7 days and your skin is healed and no longer pink.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

You should avoid medications and supplements that increase your risk of bleeding/bruising such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Fish oil, Flaxseed oil, turmeric, glucosamine, melatonin for 7 days.
Avoid alcohol for 2 days prior to your treatment to reduce bruising.
Inform us if you are immunosuppressed and may be at risk for infection.

Post treatment Instructions:

Redness, swelling and bruising may occur and last for 1-3 days.
Do not wash your hair or use direct shower pressure for 24 hours.
Wash your hair gently over the 3 days.
Avoid heavy exercise for 24 hours.
Avoid hot tubs, saunas for 3 days.
Avoid NSAIDS for 5-7 days after treatment
Avoid sun on the treated area for 7 days.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Prior to your injection you should avoid anti-inflammatory medications and supplements that increase bleeding and bruising such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, aleve, Fish oil, flaxseed oil, turmeric, glucosamine, and melatonin.

You should not have this treatment if you are pregnant or nursing.

We encourage you to have something to eat prior to your treatment to avoid lightheadedness.

Post Treatment Instructions:

You may experience unevenness and swelling for the first 24-48 hours after your injection. Do not rub or massage the area that was treated. Bruising is common and may occur immediately or as late as a few days after the injection. Very occasionally patients experience a headache after these injections and you can take ibuprofen or tylenol. The treatment starts to take effect approx 48 hours after injection and takes 10 days to 2 weeks to see the full effects.

If you have bruising or swelling you may use a cold pack to help this resolve more quickly. You can resume your regular skincare routine tonight.

What to avoid after treatment:
Do not apply makeup for the rest of the day. Avoid exercise, hot tubs, saunas, and steam for the next 24 hours. Avoid prolonged sun exposure if bruising is present.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Avoid dental work 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your filler treatment
Avoid filler injections 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after COVID vaccine 

Unless prescribed by your physician, avoid medications and supplements that increase bruising and bleeding such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Alleve, Fish oil, Flaxseed oil, Melatonin, Turmeric and Glucosamine for 7 days.  Tylenol is fine. 

Notify us if you are on a medication that increases your chances of bleeding.
Notify us if you have a history of cold sores and/or have an active cold sore.
Notify us if you are on immunosuppressive medication such as Humira, Skyrizi, Enbrel etc.
These may increase your likelihood of infection.

You should not have this treatment if you are pregnant or nursing  

You should reschedule your filler appointment if you feel unwell

We encourage you to have something to eat prior to your injection so as to avoid lightheadedness. 

Post Treatment Instructions:

You may have swelling, which can be uneven, bruising, tenderness and firmness for the first few days after filler. Do not massage any areas of firmness or unevenness. Avoid touching your face for the next several hours. Bruising is common and can develop directly after the injection or may come out a few days after injection. Arnica applied topically can be helpful for bruising and is available at your local pharmacy. 

Apply a cold pack to the treated area off and on throughout the day for 20 minutes at a time moving the cold pack around to the treated areas. This should be repeated 3-4 times throughout the day. You may continue to use the cold pack 2-3 times the following day to reduce swelling. 

Sleep on a couple of pillows and your back if possible for the next few nights to help reduce swelling. 

Do not apply make- up until the following day after injection. 

Avoid strenuous exercise, hot tubs, streams, and saunas for the next 48 hours. Avoid alcohol for the next 48 hours. 

Avoid sun exposure for the next 2 weeks as redness and bruising resolves. The sunlight can prolong a bruise.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Avoid dental work 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your filler treatment
Avoid filler injections 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after COVID vaccine

Unless prescribed by your physician, avoid medications and supplements that increase bruising and bleeding such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Alleve, Fish oil, Flaxseed oil, Melatonin, Turmeric and Glucosamine for 7 days. Tylenol is fine.

Notify us if you are on a medication that increases your chances of bleeding.
Notify us if you have a history of cold sores and/or have an active cold sore.
Notify us if you are on immunosuppressive medication such as Humira, Skyrizi, Enbrel etc. These may increase your likelihood of infection.

You should not have this treatment if you are pregnant or nursing

You should reschedule your filler appointment if you feel unwell

We encourage you to have something to eat prior to your injection so as to avoid lightheadedness.

Post Treatment Instructions:

You may have swelling, which can be uneven, bruising, tenderness and firmness for the first few days after filler. Avoid touching your face for the next several hours. Bruising is common and can develop directly after the injection or may come out a few days after injection. Arnica applied topically can be helpful for bruising and is available at your local pharmacy.

Apply a cold pack to the treated area off and on throughout the day for 20 minutes at a time moving the cold pack around to the treated areas. This should be repeated 3-4 times throughout the day. You may continue to use the cold pack 2-3 times the following day to reduce swelling.

Massage of the treated area is very important to your overall result.
We use the rule of 5’s: 5 minutes each time. 5 times a day, for 5 days. Massage all areas during that five minutes and begin massaging the night of your injection. This ensures that the product lies nice and flat in your tissue and does not clump up which may cause a lump or nodule to form. Sleep on a couple of pillows and your back if possible for the next few nights to help reduce swelling.

Do not apply makeup until the following day after injection.

Avoid strenuous exercise, hot tubs, streams, and saunas for the next 48 hours. Avoid alcohol for the next 48 hours.
Avoid sun exposure for the next 2 weeks as redness and bruising resolves. The sunlight can prolong a bruise.

Sculptra is intended to be performed as a series of 3-6 treatments with each injection being spaced 6-8 weeks apart. This is how optimal collagen stimulation is achieved. While the majority of the results are seen about 3 months after the last injection, collagen continues to build up to a year after the last injection. Please review these pre and post instructions after each session.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Treatment areas should not be exposed to the sun. Make sure to apply a broad spectrum uva/uvb on a regular basis and refrain from getting a tan for 4 weeks. Avoid self tanner and tanning beds for 4 weeks. Please continue this practice for the duration of your Moxi/BBL series.

Use of skin irritants such as retinol, retinoic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid should be avoided for 1 week prior to your treatment.

You should avoid medications and supplements that increase your risk of bleeding/bruising such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Fish oil, Flaxseed oil, turmeric, glucosamine, melatonin for 7 days.

You should reschedule your treatment if you have a cold sore outbreak.

You should not have this treatment if you are pregnant.
You should not have this treatment if you have used oral retinoids- Accutane within the last 6 months

Please notify us if you have a history of cold sores so that we may pretreat you with anti-viral medication.

Post Treatment Instructions:

Do not touch or rub your face. Your skin is sensitive. Cleanse your skin twice a day with gentle cleanser and lukewarm water. Your skin may be pink the night of the treatment. The damaged, sun spotted skin will appear browner. You may experience some swelling for 1-2 days. Bruising may also occur in areas with spider veins and redness from sun damage. All of this is to be expected and will resolve over the next week.

We suggest applying Alastin nectar for optimal healing twice a day for 7 days. Apply a gentle moisturizer twice a day and sunblock spf 30 or higher to protect your skin. You should also consider wearing a hat to protect your sensitive skin.
Some areas will look browner from the IPL for the first week and then lighten as the affected skin flakes off.
You should avoid sweating, hot tubs, saunas, streams for 48-72 hours after your treatment until your skin feels less sensitive.
You can resume your normal skin care routine in 1 week, making sure to avoid sun and stopping your retinol or other skin irritants 7 days prior to your next treatment. These treatments are designed to be performed in a series so please refer back to these instructions with each treatment.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Treatment areas should not be exposed to the sun. Make sure to apply a broad spectrum uva/uvb on a regular basis and refrain from getting a tan for 1 week prior to treatment if possible. Avoid self tanner and tanning beds for 1 week.

Use of skin irritants such as retinol, retinoic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid should be avoided for 5-7 days prior to your treatment.

You should reschedule your treatment if you have a cold sore outbreak.

You should not have this treatment if you are pregnant.
You should not have this treatment if you have used oral retinoids- Accutane within the last 6 months

Please notify us if you have a history of cold sores so that we may pretreat you with anti-viral medication.

Please allow 2 weeks after fill or laser before microneedling to let your skin heal.Your provider can help you schedule your treatment.
Avoid facial waxing for 1 week prior and 1 week after each treatment.

Post Treatment Instructions

Evening of peel: For the first 6 hours after the peel treatment do not touch, rub, wash, or apply makeup to your face. If using the dermapeel kit you can apply with moisturizer after 6 hours.

Day 1 Morning:Gently wash your face the next morning and vigorously apply the post peel towelette. Let it set and dry on the skin for 30 minutes before applying SPF 30.

Day 1 evening: 30-60 minutes before bed gently wash your face and dry and vigorously apply the 2nd post peel towelette. Leave the solution overnight. You may apply the dermapeel moisturizer 2-3 times daily to reduce discomfort. If there is no irritation, don’t use moisturizer until peeling begins on day 3.

Day 3-6 Peeling usually begins on Day 3. Apply the moisturizer 2-3 times a day. You can use a cold compress for comfort. Do not rub, pick or peel the peeling skin. An SPF of 30 or higher should be applied to protect your skin every 2 hours during sun exposure. Wearing a hat is advisable.
Day 7: the peeling is generally complete. Continue to treat your face gently with the regimen above until all peeling is complete. You can then resume your normal skincare routine.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Treatment areas should not be exposed to the sun. Make sure to apply a broad spectrum uva/uvb on a regular basis and refrain from getting a tan for 1 week prior to treatment if possible. Avoid self tanner and tanning beds for 1 week.

Use of skin irritants such as retinol, retinoic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid should be avoided for 5-7 days prior to your treatment.

You should reschedule your treatment if you have a cold sore outbreak.

You should not have this treatment if you are pregnant.
You should not have this treatment if you have used oral retinoids- Accutane within the last 6 months

Please notify us if you have a history of cold sores so that we may pretreat you with anti-viral medication.

Please allow 2 weeks after fill or laser before microneedling to let your skin heal.Your provider can help you schedule your treatment.

Post Treatment Instructions:

Gently cleanse your skin the evening of your procedure and avoid skin irritants such as retinol and glycolic acid for 48 hours. Your provider may recommend a post treatment regimen to care for your new hydrated skin. Please refer to the recommendations given to you.

Make sure to use a sunblock SPF 30 or higher to protect your skin.

Avoid strenuous exercise, hot tubs, and saunas for 48 hours after treatment

Avoid sun exposure for 1 week while your skin is healing.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Treatment areas should not be exposed to the sun. Make sure to apply a broad spectrum uva/uvb on a regular basis and refrain from getting a tan for 1 week prior to treatment if possible. Avoid self tanner and tanning beds for 1 week.

Use of skin irritants such as retinol, retinoic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid should be avoided for 5-7 days prior to your treatment.

You should reschedule your treatment if you have a cold sore outbreak.

You should not have this treatment if you are pregnant.
You should not have this treatment if you have used oral retinoids- Accutane within the last 6 months

Please notify us if you have a history of cold sores so that we may pretreat you with anti-viral medication.
Avoid facial waxing for 1 week prior and 1 week after each treatment.

Please allow 2 weeks after fill or laser before microneedling to let your skin heal.Your provider can help you schedule your treatment.

Post Treatment Instructions:

Gently cleanse your skin the evening of your procedure and avoid skin irritants such as retinol and glycolic acid for 48 hours. Your provider may recommend a post treatment regimen to care for your new hydrated skin. Please refer to the recommendations given to you.

Make sure to use a sunblock SPF 30 or higher to protect your skin.

Avoid strenuous exercise, hot tubs, and saunas for 48 hours after treatment

Avoid sun exposure for 1 week while your skin is healing.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Treatment areas should not be exposed to the sun. Make sure to apply a broad spectrum uva/uvb on a regular basis and refrain from getting a tan for 4 weeks. Avoid self tanner and tanning beds for 4 weeks. Please continue this practice for the duration of your Moxi/BBL series.

Use of skin irritants such as retinol, retinoic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid should be avoided for 1 week prior to your treatment.

You should avoid medications and supplements that increase your risk of bleeding/bruising such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Fish oil, Flaxseed oil, turmeric, glucosamine, melatonin for 7 days.

You should reschedule your treatment if you have a cold sore outbreak.

You should not have this treatment if you are pregnant.
You should not have this treatment if you have used oral retinoids- Accutane within the last 6 months

Please notify us if you have a history of cold sores so that we may pretreat you with anti-viral medication.

Post Treatment Instructions:

Do not touch or rub your face. Your skin is sensitive. Cleanse your skin twice a day with gentle cleanser and lukewarm water. Your skin may be pink the night of the treatment. The damaged, sun spotted skin will appear browner. You may experience some swelling for 1-2 days. Bruising may also occur in areas with spider veins and redness from sun damage. All of this is to be expected and will resolve over the next week.

We suggest applying Alastin nectar for optimal healing twice a day for 7 days. Apply a gentle moisturizer twice a day and sunblock spf 30 or higher to protect your skin. You should also consider wearing a hat to protect your sensitive skin.
Some areas will look browner from the IPL for the first week and then lighten as the affected skin flakes off.
You should avoid sweating, hot tubs, saunas, streams for 48-72 hours after your treatment until your skin feels less sensitive.
You can resume your normal skin care routine in 1 week, making sure to avoid sun and stopping your retinol or other skin irritants 7 days prior to your next treatment. These treatments are designed to be performed in a series so please refer back to these instructions with each treatment.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Treatment areas should not be exposed to the sun. Make sure to apply a broad spectrum uva/uvb on a regular basis and refrain from getting a tan for 1 week. Avoid self tanner and tanning beds for 1 week.

Use of skin irritants such as retinol, retinoic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid should be avoided for 1 week prior to your treatment.

You should avoid medications and supplements that increase your risk of bleeding/bruising such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Fish oil, Flaxseed oil, turmeric, glucosamine, melatonin for 7 days.

You should reschedule your treatment if you have a cold sore outbreak.

You should not have this treatment if you are pregnant.
You should not have this treatment if you have used oral retinoids- Accutane within the last 6 months

Please notify us if you have a history of cold sores so that we may pretreat you with anti-viral medication.

Post Treatment Instructions:

Your skin will be red for 1-3 days after the treatment. Some swelling is expected
Do not touch or rub your face. Your skin is sensitive.You may have some pinpoint bleeding. Gently cleanse your skin with lukewarm water after 24 hours. Cleanse your skin twice a day with gentle cleanser and lukewarm water and consider using Alastin skin nectar for recovery. Use a gentle moisturizer and an spf sunblock of 30 or higher. Alastin has a post treatment kit that is designed for this.
Avoid alcohol the night of the procedure to reduce bruising.
Avoid strenuous exercise, hot tubs, and saunas for 3-4 days after treatment
Avoid sun exposure for 1 week while your skin is healing.

You may resume your usual skincare routine after 5-7 days and your skin is healed and no longer pink.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Treatment areas should not be exposed to the sun. Make sure to apply a broad spectrum uva/uvb on a regular basis and refrain from getting a tan for 4 weeks. Avoid self tanner and tanning beds for 4 weeks. Please continue this practice for the duration of your Moxi/BBL series.

Use of skin irritants such as retinol, retinoic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid should be avoided for 1 week prior to your treatment.

You should avoid medications and supplements that increase your risk of bleeding/bruising such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Fish oil, Flaxseed oil, turmeric, glucosamine, melatonin for 7 days.

You should reschedule your treatment if you have a cold sore outbreak.

You should not have this treatment if you are pregnant.
You should not have this treatment if you have used oral retinoids- Accutane within the last 6 months
Avoid facial waxing for 1 week prior and 1 week after each treatment.

Please notify us if you have a history of cold sores so that we may pretreat you with anti-viral medication.

Post Treatment Instructions:

Do not touch or rub your face. Your skin is sensitive. Cleanse your skin twice a day with gentle cleanser and lukewarm water. Your skin will be pink for 1-2 days. Your skin may feel like sand paper. All of this is to be expected and will resolve over the next week.

We suggest applying Allastin nectar for optimal healing twice a day for 7 days. Apply a gentle moisturizer twice a day and sunblock spf 30 or higher to protect your skin. You should also consider wearing a hat to protect your sensitive skin. The Moxi will produce little brown dots that can be visible and fade over the next week. These micro-injuries are an essential part of the collagen building process.

You should avoid sweating, hot tubs, saunas, streams for 48-72 hours after your treatment until your skin feels less sensitive.
You can resume your normal skin care routine in 1 week, making sure to avoid sun and stopping your retinol or other skin irritants 7 days prior to your next treatment. These treatments are designed to be performed in a series so please refer back to these instructions with each treatment.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Treatment areas should not be exposed to the sun. Make sure to apply a broad spectrum uva/uvb on a regular basis and refrain from getting a tan for 4 weeks. Avoid self tanner and tanning beds for 4 weeks. Please continue this practice for the duration of your Moxi/BBL series.

Use of skin irritants such as retinol, retinoic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid should be avoided for 1 week prior to your treatment.

You should avoid medications and supplements that increase your risk of bleeding/bruising such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Fish oil, Flaxseed oil, turmeric, glucosamine, melatonin for 7 days.

You should reschedule your treatment if you have a cold sore outbreak.

You should not have this treatment if you are pregnant.
You should not have this treatment if you have used oral retinoids- Accutane within the last 6 months

Please notify us if you have a history of cold sores so that we may pretreat you with anti-viral medication.

Post Treatment Instructions:

Do not touch or rub your face. Your skin is sensitive. Cleanse your skin twice a day with gentle cleanser and lukewarm water. Your skin will be pink for 1-2 days. The damaged, sun spotted skin will appear browner. Your skin may feel like sand paper. All of this is to be expected and will resolve over the next week.

We suggest applying Allastin nectar for optimal healing twice a day for 7 days. Apply a gentle moisturizer twice a day and sunblock spf 30 or higher to protect your skin. You should also consider wearing a hat to protect your sensitive skin.
Some areas will look browner from the BBL for the first week and then lighten as the affected skin flakes off. The Moxi will produce little brown dots that can be visible and fade over the next week. These micro-injuries are an essential part of the collagen building process.

You should avoid sweating, hot tubs, saunas, streams for 48-72 hours after your treatment until your skin feels less sensitive.
You can resume your normal skin care routine in 1 week, making sure to avoid sun and stopping your retinol or other skin irritants 7 days prior to your next treatment. These treatments are designed to be performed in a series so please refer back to these instructions with each treatment.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Treatment areas should not be exposed to the sun. Make sure to apply a broad spectrum uva/uvb on a regular basis and refrain from getting a tan for 4 weeks if possible. Avoid self tanner and tanning beds for 4 weeks. Please continue this practice for the duration of your microneedling series.

Use of skin irritants such as retinol, retinoic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid should be avoided for 1 week prior to your treatment.

You should avoid medications and supplements that increase your risk of bleeding/bruising such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Fish oil, Flaxseed oil, turmeric, glucosamine, melatonin for 7 days.

You should reschedule your treatment if you have a cold sore outbreak.

You should not have this treatment if you are pregnant.
You should not have this treatment if you have used oral retinoids- Accutane within the last 6 months

Please notify us if you have a history of cold sores so that we may pretreat you with anti-viral medication.
Avoid facial waxing for 1 week prior and 1 week after each treatment.

Please allow 2 weeks after fill or laser before microneedling to let your skin heal.Your provider can help you schedule your treatment.

Post Treatment Instructions

Expect your skin to be red like a mild sunburn for 1-2 days after your procedure. You may have some pinpoint bleeding that can be washed off with a gentle cleanser 24 hours after the procedure.
Your skin will be red/pink for 1-3 days after the treatment.
Do not touch or rub your face. Your skin is sensitive.You may have some pinpoint bleeding. Gently cleanse your skin with lukewarm water after 24 hours. Cleanse your skin twice a day with gentle cleanser and lukewarm water and consider using Allastin skin nectar for recovery. Use a gentle moisturizer and an spf sunblock of 30 or higher. Allastin has a post treatment kit that is designed for this.
Avoid alcohol the night of the procedure to reduce bruising.
Avoid strenuous exercise, hot tubs, and saunas for 3-4 days after treatment
Avoid sun exposure for 1 week after treatment while your skin is healing.

You may resume your usual skincare routine after 3-4 days and your skin is healed and no longer pink.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Vitamin B12 injections help boost the metabolism and are thought to help improve energy levels, brain function, improve sleep and digestion. They are generally well tolerated.

You should not have a B12 injection if you are pregnant and/or nursing
You should not have this treatment if you are unwell or immunocompromised without consulting your physician.

Post Treatment Instructions:

You may experience mild redness, soreness, or bruising. This should resolve in a few days.
If you have discomfort you may use a cold compress for 20 minutes at a time for 3-4 times the first day.

Pre Treatment Considerations:

Weight loss injections such as semaglutide and tirzepatide are generally well tolerated. Prior to your injection make sure to have a small meal to avoid light headedness from an injection

You should not have this treatment if you are pregnant or nursing
You should not have this treatment if you are unwell

Post Treatment Instructions:

Common Side effects with weight loss injections include mild nausea, bloating, constipation.

Adhering to a healthy diet of healthy small meals of lean protein, vegetables, complex carbohydrates,and healthy fats and reducing processed foods will reduce side effects and help you reach your goals.
Make sure to start small and go slow with your meals.

You should maintain good hydration to aid in digestion and reduce constipation.

If you experience persistent and/or increasing abdominal pain, uncontrolled nausea or vomiting, dizziness, or fainting, go to the ER as this may be a serious condition.

If you have signs of an allergic reaction such as persistent redness, itching, hives, blistering, swelling or if you have signs of infection such as increased tenderness, redness, oozing, crusting, fever, chills, have a cold sore breakout, or you have questions or concerns of any kind during business hours, please contact us directly at the clinic where services were provided.
Click here for contact information for your location:

If any of these symptoms occur, or you are experiencing symptoms other than the ones listed above, outside of business hours and you need immediate medical attention please visit your local Urgent Care or ER.

What our patients say

Based on 279 reviews
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Seth Lederman
16:54 02 Feb 25
Kelly provided a very professional and thorough consultation with extremely reasonable recommendations that were cost-effective.
23:20 30 Jan 25
WOW!!! I went today for RF Microneedle with Kelly. It's beautiful 😍 Super clean! Kelly has amazing skin so I knew I was in good hands. They offer laughing gas to make you more comfortable during the treatment. I've done rf Microneedle with just the numbing in different state. I recommend using the laughing gas for zero pain. She went above and beyond targeting the areas I told her bother me most. She even did all under my chin real well to help lift & tighten. Also, when I checked out I was suprised how reasonably priced it is!! Love this place ❤️PS......Wendy for botox is ☆☆☆☆☆These two ladies are the dream team
Scott Lucas
22:17 30 Jan 25
Top notch service. Staff is extremely friendly, highly knowledgeable and provides excellent advice.Best I’ve ever experienced! You won’t be disappointed.
Stephanie Smeriglio
19:16 23 Jan 25
Very quick, friendly service, and well priced :)Hoping for just as amazing results.Checking back in but sadly the chemical peel did nothing :/
Mariam Kubale
23:47 16 Jan 25
I absolutely feel as if I’ve stumbled upon a hidden jewel.Stacy organized my visits and Kelly was my professional staff person.One of the most progressive, knowledgeable and caring staffs I have encountered.Big smiles all around.Morpheus 8 was the treatment I had.Thanks to all who made my Wednesday afternoon such a lovely one.
Julie Zeller
12:04 22 Dec 24
Friendly staff, chic deco, clean and Kelly did an amazing microneedling session with PRP. I planned to only do one session, since I have a long time practitioner who typically performs my microneedling ...but Kelly performed such an amazing session ( good depth, precise, and took extra effort to address my areas of concern). I bought a package of sessions! I will return again and again,
Nashi Cole
15:38 15 Nov 24
You guys have to come the staff is amazing and makes you feel so comfortable. When you go asks for Wendy she is so sweet and informative. She gives you so much information and she loves when you asks her questions . She takes real good care of you and she takes her time during the process . When I went Wendy made me felt like I was home . Go here and try this place out you will feel brand new when you leave . Asks for Wendy when you go .
Bobby Davidson
23:19 30 Oct 24
Wow! This place makes you feel at home the minute you step into it. Such a warm friendly knowledgeable staff. I had Morpheus 8 with Kelly. She kept me well informed of every step and the results are amazing! I also got to see Wendy for Botox. Wendy was also very welcoming and a true pro at what she does. My face looks angelic. I will never go anywhere else. I truly can’t recommend Amaira spa enough. Home away from home.
Nicolette Steenbhom
13:34 23 Oct 24
Lisa is the most gorgeous, patient and kind person that genuinely loves her work and cares for her clients. I worked with Lisa doing three Moxi Laser treatments over a three month period and I could not be more thrilled with the results. Amaira Med Spa is conveniently located on Las Olas and the facilities are just as beautiful as the ladies who work there. Thank you all so much!
Taryn Papa
14:51 30 Sep 24
I love Amaira Med Spa & Surgical! Talented and highly skilled team with warm hearts! I will definitely be going back!
Brooke Alexander
23:47 19 Sep 24
Katherine Ziemba
18:29 13 Sep 24
Dr. Faith is absolutely amazing! Gentle, fast, knowledgeable and accommodating. I travel from the Bahamas for her to perform my Botox and filler treatments. A great place with amazing staff!
I moved here from LA two years ago and have been very apprehensive about getting anything done here. I found Caroline and couldn’t wait any longer to get my Botox. As someone who’s been spoiled living in LA a beauty Mecca I have high standards and expectations. Caroline was so down to earth and communicated her approach really well. The results of her work are great and Im relieved to have finally found someone I can trust with my face.The front desk experience is very impressive and really stood out to me. They’re very professional and kind. As a new patient I was even gifted a goodie bad full of skin care which is such a nice touch.
Lisa Van Hall
01:55 19 Aug 24
Amaira med spa is a very nice place to go for facials, emsculpt, moxie and so much more. Caroline and Kelly are very professional and take good care of their patients. I HIGHLY recommend this med spa!!
shawn miele
01:38 19 Aug 24
The best spa in Ft Lauderdale, I had one of the most fabulous hydro facials ever..I highly recommend Amaira.
Cynthia Cerezin
00:36 11 Aug 24
I have nothing but great things to say about my experience with Amaira Spa. Caroline and Kelly are amazing and the staff is so nice, warm and very proffessional. I highy recommend Amaira Spa
K Roz
17:34 19 Jul 24
The staff was amazing and Professional. Dr. Fredrick was absolutely amazing and direct. I would recommend Amaira / Les Plastic Surgery to everyone.
Christina Clark
18:14 03 Jun 24
Caroline was extremely friendly, educated and welcoming! This was my first time getting lip filler and I had many questions she took her time explaining the process and making sure I was comfortable. I would highly recommend her to anyone. I love how beautiful and natural my lips look!
Paige Taylor
20:20 28 May 24
I went for my first time today and it was my first time ever at a Medspa as well as getting filler. Staff are very friendly and it’s a beautiful clean Medspa. I booked my appointment with Caroline and she did my filler in my lips and she did an amazing job. I was on the fence if I wanted to do filler or not, but she was able to explain everything to me and she talked me through the whole process as well as made me feel so comfortable. I am 100% going back and I recommend Caroline and the med spa to anyone!!
Kayla Fritz
22:59 01 May 24
I’ve been doing laser for acne with Lisa, and it has been an amazing experience. Seeing the before and after pictures I noticed a big difference. Lisa is awesome she actually remembers things you tell her and cares about you as a person, I highly recommend her and this med spa.
Mindster Behnke
21:35 01 May 24
Always a wonderful experience getting service from Amaira Med Spa. I would recommend them to anyone for any service.
Amanda Bartell
22:23 29 Apr 24
Lindsay Lehn
21:39 26 Apr 24
Caroline was amazing! She did a great job and I’m super happy with the results!
Luisana Rincon
01:10 25 Apr 24
I went in for the Moxi laser with Lisa and even after the first laser the results were amazing. My pores were reduced and my skin was smoother and glowing. Lisa was very caring and carefully explained the procedure and expectations, she kindly followed up with me the very next day. The whole staff is very nice and welcoming. I’m excited to see the results after the second and third treatment.
Ally Goldman
20:24 12 Apr 24
I have had the most amazing experiences since I have started going to Amaira! Everyone who works there is so super friendly and welcoming. The facility is absolutely beautiful. Caroline is amazing!! She is very informative and makes you feel as comfortable as can be. The absolute best medspa I have ever been to! I can’t wait to come back for my next treatment.
Stephanie Anderson
15:27 11 Apr 24
Irene paitakes
01:28 09 Apr 24
Yvonne Campos
18:14 04 Apr 24
Caroline is awesome!
nestor lopez
20:31 02 Apr 24
Alessandra Dolnier
21:12 12 Mar 24
Yarley Simon
20:08 09 Mar 24
Friendly & Professional Service. Definitely my go too for my beauty needs.
Brandon Stewart
15:03 09 Mar 24
Stacy Scott
15:36 08 Mar 24
Lisa Brown
16:50 21 Feb 24
This was my first time at the spa and Caroline was a gem. She explained everything from the get go and the different procedures. I received botox in forehead and lines around my eyes. Also, was bothered by the lines above my lip and she used filler there. This was all done yesterday and I can already see a difference.I highly recommend her - totally enjoyed my experience. I will be back!
Lina Maria Troncoso
21:02 09 Feb 24
I had an amazing hydro facial experience, and I couldn't be happier with the results! Kelly provided exceptional service, making me feel comfortable and relaxed throughout the entire process. My skin feels amazing and Kelly was very thorough and showed great expertise. I would highly recommend her!
Anne marie Davidson
17:08 28 Jan 24
Best med spa I have ever been to! I will never go anywhere else. Caroline was so informative, friendly, and very talented. I will only go to her from now on. I also had my best hydrofacial from Kelly. The place is gorgeous and staff is super friendly. I even convinced my husband to get a hydro facial and he loved it!
Lianet Castellanos
22:16 26 Jan 24
I had such a great experience with this spa! I’ve gone twice and their customer service is soooo goooddd!!! They help you with absolutely any questions you have to make sure you’re comfortable. I got lip fillers for the first time and Caroline was amazing! It didn’t even hurt! She explained everything before she did it and her work is awesome she really knows what she’s doing. Definitely 10/10 experience
Kathryn Kohl
20:09 22 Nov 23
Christie Newman
20:59 21 Nov 23
Completely amazing! So professional, kind, caring and helpful!!! I enjoyed every moment of my visit!! Thank you to Caroline and her crew! Amazing team!!
Alexa Barnett
15:02 21 Nov 23
Undoubtedly one of the top med spas around. If you're considering a hydra facial, Kelly is the person to go to. Her talent and skill are truly exceptional. Amaira med spa offers a comprehensive range of services, all delivered with incredible quality to cater all of your needs. They are all extremely friendly and nice with such a good environment. It's a place I strongly recommend for anyone looking for top-notch spa services.
Sal Adatsi
18:18 17 Nov 23
Fantastic results Great Team!
15:43 14 Nov 23
Alexandra Weber
19:28 13 Nov 23
Beautiful space and kind caring staff.
paz nilo
22:17 06 Nov 23
Caroline is wonderful. Not only is she a beautiful human being but she is an outstanding professional, making me feel completely at home with my choices understanding them and guiding me in the right direction without ever judging. I appreciate her so much I will continue to come back every time.
Danae Jarrett
21:05 06 Nov 23
Such a phenomenal experience!!! Totally recommend.
George Stevens
18:21 06 Nov 23
Caroline Dondi and the staff are amazing!
Zachary Bradford
20:42 31 Oct 23
Ok, I NEVER write reviews whether a good or bad experience, however, Caroline is an exception. She is hands down the best injector I’ve ever had as a young man who has had Botox for many years. She is informative, awesome personality, professsional, and definitely knows what she’s doing. I am permanently shifting to this Med Spa now. 10/10. Also, the staff is super helpful and nice
Brittany Travis
13:43 25 Oct 23
Kelly is absolutely incredible! She is very professional, personable, and knowledgeable. The atmosphere and ambiance of the spa is stunning. I recommend for anyone in South Florida who is looking for a gorgeous med spa.
taylor barnett
18:34 24 Aug 23
I’ve been in Amaira a few times for Hydrafacials by Kelly and I LOVE IT. Best location and the inside is so beautiful and clean. The staff is amazing: so friendly and helpful if you’re ever looking to get anything done and don’t know where to start. Kelly is truly incredible at what she does and I leave every time feeling like I have brand new skin! I also just started using their products and my skin has never looked better; using medical-grade skincare makes the biggest difference in the world. Amaira, keep me looking this good and I’ll be a customer forever😌😌🫶🫶
Olga Richman
15:45 24 Aug 23
Shannon DuQuesnay
20:31 23 Aug 23
All of the staff are fantastic! Kelly gives amazing facials and the Morpheus 8 treatment is amazing! Caroline is a highly skilled injector and I have been so happy with every treatment
Aj Larkin
20:14 12 Aug 23
I went here because of all the positive reviewsThey did not disappoint!
Alexa Barnett
14:47 11 Aug 23
Bobby Seiler
15:31 10 Aug 23
I went to Amaira and was seen by Kelly for a facial. Let me tell you about my experience. She is an absolute professional and scholar in her field. She made my skin glow and breath again! She showed me what came off my face and couldn't believe it if I didn't see it. I also got the emsculpt from her which tightened up my skin. The place is friendly, and clean. I recommend this place to anyone that wants to their face and skin to look great. Thank you Kelly and the team at Amaira... See you soon!
Tatiana Molina
15:19 08 Aug 23
Everyone was so pleasant and helpful from the moment you walk in. Lauren answered all my questions and made me feel comfort to ask anything. Dr. Michael was amazing in giving me his honest opinion about my concerns for a possible surgery. And Caroline did a lip filer for me, it was my first time ever and she was gentle and patient. Loved this place!
Saeda Aman
19:26 27 Jun 23
Caroline was the best injector I ever had. She told me exactly what I needed which is what I like and was super informative about why / where she was injecting. I immediately trusted her right away because of how confident she was in explaining the information. The place is super nice and staff very friendly. I love the results !!
Amanda Miller
23:16 15 Jun 23
I have been going to Amaira for a couple years now. At first I would go back and forth for services at my previous spot but eventually i shifted over to Amaira exclusively. They have all of the current top of the line equipment and product! The scheduling is easy and the service is always top notch! The front desk is kind and accommodating with their calendar, almost always getting me in within a week for office procedures and treatments. The staff is well trained at their skill, knowledgeable, on trend and professional. i have had Morpheus8 several times with Kelly and even though it can be an uncomfortable procedure, she makes it almost like a spa treatment, massaging the cream in your face and dimming the lights so you can rest while you properly numb. She's amazing, best facials! And there is nobody better than Caroline when it comes to fillers and botox. She is quick and precise, keeps it short and sweet and i rarely even bruise. The result is natural, youthful and vibrant, never over the top! Love Amaira, Highly recommend!
04:16 09 Apr 23
I recently had Morpheus 8 with Kelly. She is one of the most knowledgeable estheticians I have ever met. At first, I was nervous about the treatment but then after consulting with Kelly, I felt so much better. The numbing cream they use is the best and the treatment was a breeze. The whole staff (Madison,Kelly and Amber) are so attentive and met all my needs. I'm getting married in a few months and they gave me the best treatment plan to be wedding ready. I can't wait to come back!
Bonette Moschella
15:45 07 Dec 22
I had one of the best facials ever with Kelly. She is so wonderful and had me walking out with such a beautiful glow! My skin felt absolutely amazing. I highly recommend Amaira Med Spa not only for facials but for many of their other services they provide. I will be going back soon. Stacy, the Senior Patient Consultant is very knowledgeable and really cared about what my needs were.Thank you, thank you to everyone at Amaira Med Spa for making my time there so pleasant and enjoyable:)
Maria Britti
20:29 30 Nov 22
Caroline the Nurse Practitioner is just amazing at what she does. She always gives you plenty of information about the procedures beforehand and makes sure you are comfortable at all times. Her wonderful personality puts you at ease right from the start.She is a top notch medical professional and I am very happy with my treatments. Thanks Caroline and staff, all are wonderful there.
Amy Abel
20:02 29 Nov 22
I went for a consultation and Caroline R NP. did such a great job explaining to me what is best and I went ahead and started treatment the same day! She is very professional! I received the sculptra procedure ! I would recommend this spa for any treatment! Had my second treatment and signed up for more! I love how Caroline takes interest and help with making a plan for my skin care!
Audrey Dimitrew
00:21 15 Sep 22
I absolutely LOVE Amaira Med Spa and my amazing esthetician Danijela. I moved to Fort Lauderdale just about two years ago and initially struggled to find someone who had the knowledge to address my skincare needs while making my experience at a Med Spa comfortable. During my first appointment, Danijela checked all the boxes. She was incredibly nice and polite and gave me such great advice. I've learned a lot from her throughout my appointments there and she has completely changed my skin for the better. Every time I have had an issue with my skin, she instantly gives me a recommendation (whether it be a treatment or products), and she's never let me down!I highly recommend the skin pen (micro-needling) treatments and she gives the best Hydrafacials too! In addition, the girls at the front desk are always so warm and welcoming, and the offices are fantastic. Very clean and beautiful, as well as comfortable.I am so happy I found Amaira Med Spa and Danijela. I highly recommend her to anyone in search of an esthetician!
kristin foster
23:30 25 Jul 22
This place is beyond amazing!! From the minute you walk in you feel right at home. Amaira is upscale and gorgeous not to mention in the perfect location downtown. I had a HydraFacial with Kelly and my skin feels great. I added on the Red Light that she recommended and my skin feels tight and hydrated. I will be referring all my friends to Amaira and I looking forward to more treatments!


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